Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Stalin In the late 1920's, a man named Joseph Stalin came into power in Russia. Before he came into power, Russia had been faced with a big downfall, a fall of lots of things. Things consisting of their economy, government, military, and pretty much everything else. When Joseph came into power he was very serious about his job and wanted the "best" for his fellow Soviets, or maybe in my opinion, for his ego. As soon as he came into power he started right away on a "Five Year Plan", which basically was all about having the government control everything, how convenient for him. Stalin also started many other new plans and ideas, which all ultimately gave the government more and more, power. The government grew very strict and didn't allow anyone to rebel, or basically have thoughts of his or her own. If citizens or anyone for that matter did rebel they would then be sent to work at camps, become imprisoned, or killed.Young Stalin, circa 1894, age 16, and Ioseb in his...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Tourette Sydrome essays

Tourette Sydrome essays Tourette Syndrome Genetic diseases are diseases passed down through heredity and genes. Tourette Syndrome is one of the more common genetic diseases. Although it is made fun of in television and movies, Tourette syndrome is a very serious disorder. Tourette Syndrome, or TS, is an inherited, neurological disorder characterized by repeated involuntary body movement (tics) and uncontrollable vocal sounds. The cause of TS has not yet been established completely; however scientists do know its inher ed as a dominant gene or genes. Scientists also know that it stems from an abnormal metabolism of atleast one brain chemical (neurotransmitter) called dopamine. TS causes different symptoms in different family members. A person with TS has a 50% chan of passing the gene to each child with each pregnancy. The sex of the child helps to determine the expression of the gene. There is a 3-4 times more chance of a son having the gene than a daughter. Only about 10% of TS patients get severe enough t o quire medical attention. Some cases arent inherited and are called sporadic TS. There are no absolute figures that exist as far as the number of people in the world suffering from Tourettes because many people living with Tourettes have yet to be d gnosed. The official estimate of Americans suffering from TS is about 100,000 people. TS was first seen in 1825 in the Marquise de Dampierre, a noblewoman, whose symptoms included involuntary tics of many parts of her body and coprolalia(vocal outbursts). Georges Gilles de la Tourette is the French neurologist who discovered and named e disorder in the early 1800s. In 1992, the British Medical Journal published an article by Benjamin Simkin speculating that Mozart had Tourette Syndrome. An Associated Press story about those articles was picked up by newspapers all around the world ausing an international sensation. The article was later retracted, but there ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Occupational Health and Safety Pete Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Occupational Health and Safety Pete - Essay Example be affected by a single source or due to combination of several factors like poor building design, improper ventilation, improper handling of heat, presence of outside pollutants, overcrowding, radioactive elements, occupant activities, air contaminants etc. Health issues attributed to adverse working conditions are quite common nowadays. Being the Safety and Occupation Health Professional, one has the responsibility to investigate, recommend and take legal actions in order to ensure quality health environment in a workspace. In the given case of refrigerated food distribution warehouse, there are several sources to consider that could affect the health of occupants. The complaints were received from a major food distribution warehouse that some of the employees are feeling sick with dizziness and lightheadedness. A major portion of this warehouse is refrigerated, and complaints are reported from the refrigerated section refrigerated at 40 degrees F. The employees having complaints were blister packing the products on a production line. Within the warehouse, there are twenty loading docks, two rail road car lines which end inside the warehouse near the production area and around twelve gas powered forklifts. There are no environmental monitors or sensors within the warehouse other than those in the refrigeration systems. There are special seals in the loading dock doors in order to preserve cold, and to prevent heat from outside. The professional could not identify any distinct odors except the exhaust from forklift while they are moving. There are fourteen employees working in this area including twelve women and five men. Four ladies sitting i n the break room complain about symptoms like dizziness and lightheadedness. The warehouse manager is cooperative, but is busy with handling contract negotiation with the union. A careful study on the refrigerated food distribution warehouse would reveal lack of proper ventilation and other related issues. For instance,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Describing how the civilizations were similar and how they differed Essay

Describing how the civilizations were similar and how they differed - Essay Example The civilizations extended and some areas developed dependently and together while the Chinese civilization developed independently (Schirokauer 24). Although there was some influence on the West’s cultures. In most cases, the Chines development occurred in the sections known as the dynasties. The dynasties were divided into three categories namely, early dynasty, imperial dynasties and end of ancient china. The Qin dynasty was established as a type of China civilization dynasties by Shi Huangti. The Qin dynasty can be also referred to as the China era. Shi conducted the wall destruction and established the Great Wall of China (Schirokauer 48). He also made travelling easy by building roads to improve the infrastructure of China. He fairly ruled the people and distributed lands. He also expanded his empire and its boundaries (Schirokauer 48). All this and among others are the development of civilization in the empire of Qin dynasty. The empire of Persian developed civilization in terms of classical civilization. The classical development of civilization in the Persian Empire. Succeed due to the cooperation of leaders in the empire. Several areas of economic activities were taxed 20 percent. Such activities are like religious institution, manufacturing and agriculture among others. The activities were the cause civilization development. Finally, civilization in the Empire of Macedon. The civilization development started in the year 1913. In this empire, the Greek community was powered and the stabilization of the area. Unlike other empires, Macedon has developed its civilization through development of the area. The mentioned empires above having their differences and similarities. In most cases, development in all the empires influenced the economic development of the area. On the other hand, each empire had a different style of developing

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Brazil and India business environment comparison Essay Example for Free

Brazil and India business environment comparison Essay The United States and Brazil entered into a common agreement targeting to improve democracy in the Western Hemisphere and to bring an accelerated growth in regional trade and development so that the governments of the region can ensure its citizens better scope for greater prosperity. (Common Goals and Challenges in Brazil-US’s Agenda) The prospects for conducting business in Brazil are tremendous in view of its 150 million possible consumers, a hugely diversified economy and a gross domestic product worth of US7 billion. However, till the nation attains improved market and economic reforms, majority of the opportunities for US companies are prone to hover around particular sectors and projects. (Jennings, 14) The closed markets and heavy government interventions marked the economic development of Brazil during the last thirty years. During the 1960s and 1970s, such policies of import substitution and huge levels of international debt generated accelerated growth and industrialization however, giving rise to long term problems like long term economic difficulties, inclusive of high inflation, foreign debt difficulties and non-competitive industries. During the year 1990 the Government of Brazil initiated remarkable market liberalization measures including reduction of trade and investment barriers, declining import duties over 100% to a high of 35% inclusive of an average of 14%. Market liberalization also incorporated several tax and regulatory variations that have been of advantage to the foreign investors. The reduction of taxes on profit remittances and simplification of procedures and withdrawal of some of the disincentives to reinvest the profits have provided increasing scope for business activities in Brazil. As a result, the trend of the reaction of US companies was seen to be remarkable. (Jennings, 14) US companies exported goods of worth $6 billion enabling Brazil to be among the top 20 export markets of the world. The United States tends to maintain the position of being the single country supplier to Brazil constituting about one-third of the total of the Brazilian imports. The telecommunication and informatics market of Brazil extends fabulous prospective for US business, for the equipment manufacturers as well as for the service providers. The Telecommunication sector provides a market worth of $3 billion in Brazil. The US companies have presently extended limited involvement in the telecommunication sector and are exploiting the benefits of extending private networks as well as equipments. The energy sector in Brazil also entails good prospects for US technology as well as equipment. The current agreements and subsequent legislations at higher government levels and the private sectors assures for future prospects. The US equipment manufacturers are encouraged to actually take benefit of the opportunities that already prevail and are prone to expand with regard to the internal demand that promotes the expansion of this sector. (Jennings, 15) The Indian markets along with its over one billion population, provides profitable as well as diverse opportunities for US exporters with the right kind of products, services as well as commitment. Such opportunities are accelerated with the depreciation of dollar in the recent years in relation to its competitive currencies. The infrastructure, high-tech, energy, health care, environmental, transportation as well as defense sector are prone to surpass the tens of billions of dollars mark in the mid-term as the Indian economy tend to globalize as well as emerge stronger. In the year 2005, the total bilateral trade was $26. 77 billion. The US exports to India in 2005 was enhanced to $7. 96 billion, which was a 30. 3 percent growth in comparison to the previous year. (India – Market of the month) The potentiality of India for US companies is promising since India is the second largest small car market of the world; India is one among the three countries that manufactures its own supercomputers; India is the one among the six nations that is able to launch its own satellites and; India is having the second biggest group of software developers immediately after the US. The Indo-US relation is presently growing through a remarkable transition. The two nations which were having a gap between them in political and economic terms during the latter part of the 20th century, presently consider their national goals converging on several areas. (India – Market of the month) Indian tariffs have been decreased considerably since the early part of the 1990s. Irrespective of the fact that the tariff and poor infrastructure entails remarkable challenges for foreign investment and development, the infrastructure needs in India also entail trade and investment facilities for US companies. The best prospects for US firms and US exports on the basis of estimated Indian imports from the US has been earmarked to be â€Å"Airport Ground Handling, Computer and Peripherals, Education Services, Electrical Power Generation, Transmission Distribution Equipment, Food Processing Cold Storage Equipment, Oil Gas Field Machinery, Pollution Control Equipment, Safety and security equipment, Telecommunication equipment, Textile Machinery, water etc†. (India – Market of the month) Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State for United States and Celso Amorim, Brazilian Foreign Minister in their meeting on 26th April, 2005 in Brazil had a discussion in relation to the common agenda of the two nations as well as that of the unique challenges which were confronting the entire hemisphere. (Common Goals and Challenges in Brazil-US’s Agenda) Brazil as well as Argentina poses certain particular business challenges to be confronted by the US firms. For example, legal provisions with regard to importing technology materials require payment of duties, tariffs and a value added tax VAT which is as much as 22 percent of the total cost in Brazil. The business is even more complex in Brazil due to the variation of importation laws from one province to another. The fluctuating currency exchange rates as well as local economic issues pose grave challenges for conducting business. (Business Spotlight: Arrow South America) Franklin L. Lavin, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, American Chamber of Commerce, New Delhi on May 1st, 2006 remarked that the Indo-US relationship have improved on many fields and have great prospects in the sphere of trade. However, US face remarkable challenges as well. Irrespective of the fact that India has exhibited good trade statistics and the progress in the sphere of economic reforms and are opening markets during the last one and half decade there still need to be improvement in several spheres in order to reflect India’s important part in the world economy. The economic philosophies of Fabian socialism as well as third world nationalism are holding India hostage for many years. As a result of this it has been pointed out that even with 30 percent growth in US exports to India during the last year, India could constitute only 1 percent of all exports of US. The economic reforms in India is in relation to world reforms as a result of this the momentum of India is not impressive in the context of the competition for global attention. (Remarks by Franklin L. Lavin Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, American Chamber of Commerce, New Delhi) The annual US exports of $8 billion dollar is what the US ships to Canada within two weeks. In terms of the US foreign direct investment in India the cumulative figure is only $6. 2 billion at the end of 2004, US being the largest investor while the US FDI in Singapore remains amounts to be $56. 9 billion. Irrespective of the fact that tariff for non-agricultural products have significantly reduced, it still remains at 40% in case of agricultural products. The vibrant IPR regime is considered critical to the enhancement of a creative, technologically advanced economy. Irrespective of the fact that India has opened up a silver of its retail sector to foreign investment, presently, the sector is still considered to be closed to most of the American retailers. US companies required to obviate the aggressive competition exerted by the companies from Europe, Canada, Korea and Japan by knowing how to adapt their products as well as facilitate their activities in order to take advantage of the huge potential in India. (Remarks by Franklin L. Lavin Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, American Chamber of Commerce, New Delhi) The trading companies are generally prone to four types of risk such as strategic risk, operational risks, internal financial risks and compliance risks. (Sadgrove, 83) The trading risks in Brazil are considered substantially greater in comparison to the developed nations. The political risks like dismissal or appointment of a key government minister can exert influence on the value of the share of the company to have fluctuations. The purchase of shares of Brazilian companies is subject to increasing risks of fluctuations in the exchange rates that may exert considerable losses. Exchange rates also have a tremendous impact on the profitability. Inflationary trends also influence much on the profitability by making the services of the company more expensive. (Sands, 27) For US Government, for over several years Brazil has been a bastion of anti communism while the other states of South America seem to be leaning towards communistic. Moreover, the US companies in Brazil never desire to take the risk by means of their operations being disrupted by that of the shipping turmoil. (Fitzgerald, 20) The US companies engaged in outsourcing of their software development to India are prone to be hurt by the industrial espionage and poor intellectual property safeguards. However, India is seen to have a far outstanding cultural and legal climate for IP protection than many other nations offering offshore coding. (Pedraja; Toman, 164) References Business Spotlight: Arrow South America. Retrieved from http://www. arrow. com/media_center/news/BusinessSpotlightArrowSouthAmerica. htm Accessed 11 December, 2006 Common Goals and Challenges in Brazil-US’s Agenda. 27 April, 2005. Retrieved from http://www. brazzilmag. com/content/view/2207/ Accessed 10 December, 2006 Fitzgerald, Michael. Intellectual property protection. CIO Magazine. 15 November, 2003. pp: 18-21 India – Market of the month. US Commercial Service India. Retrieved from http://www. buyusa. gov/india/en/motm. html? print=1 Accessed 10 December, 2006 Jennings, Horace. Brazil: slowly emerging giant offers enormous potential. Business America. March, 1994. Vol: 115; No: 3; pp: 14-16. Pedraja, Rene de La; Toman, Rene De La Pedraja. Latin American Merchant Shipping in the Age of Global Competition. Greenwood Press. 1999. Remarks by Franklin L. Lavin Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, American Chamber of Commerce, New Delhi. 1 May, 2006. Retrieved from http://www. ita. doc. gov/press/speeches/lavin_050106. asp Accessed 11 December, 2006 Sadgrove, Kit. The Complete Guide to Business Risk Management. Gower Publishing, Ltd. 2005. Sands, Gary. The Risks and Rewards of Investing in Brazil. Brazzil Magazine. 23 March, 2005. pp: 27-30

Friday, November 15, 2019

Psych-meaning :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The book I read was called, Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl. Viktor Frankl was psychiatrist and philospher who lived through the nazi era, one of the most dehumanizing periods of history, came face to face with conditions that most people couldn’t deal with psychologically. He made the conclusion that the sort of person the prisoner becomes is the result of an inner decision and not the result of outside influences alone. Through observation (in concentration camps, and as a therapist), extensive research, and establishing a doctrine of principles that show the challenges of being human, Frankl developed the idea of logotherapy. Logotherapy is therapy through meaning, derived from the Greek word, logos. The most intriging thought in the book and shows how he faced the challenges may best be summed up in the phrase—â€Å"He who has a ‘why’ to live for can bear almost any ‘how’.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The book is divided basically into two sections. The first deals with his experiences in the life of a concentration camp, and the second deals with a description of what logotherapy is and principles of which it is founded on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the beginning of the book he decribes that his intention of writing the book are not that of to prove factual accounts, for there are many of those already, but to explain their experiences in present day knowledge. He goes on to say ,†No explanations are needed for those who have been inside, and others will understand neither how we felt then of how we feel now.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"There are things which must cause you to lose your reason or you have none to lose.† An Abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior (book). There were a few phases that the prisoner went into as he entered prison life. The first is what Frankl called â€Å"delusional reprieve†. He describes this as the condemened man, immidiately before he gets executed has the illusion that he might be reprieved at the very last minute. As many people were ushered into camps in the beginning, many people hung on to these shreds of hope and believed that these camps wouldn’t be so bad. In this phase people were just beginning to see how bad things were. Frankl tell of how he read somewhere that man cannot live without a stated number of hours—â€Å"Quite wrong!†, He says.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Assess the Role of Effective Communication and Interpersonal Interaction Essay

When children are affected by terminal illnesses it is heartbreaking for all involved. A child dying disturbs some of our deepest conventions: Children are symbols of future potential and hope. Therefore their deaths cause us to mourn more deeply than we would for others. Before starting any thinking about how you are going to tell your patient/parent there are a few valuable things that you must remember and these are all to do with being a good communicator. †¢Eye contact – Your eye contact needs to be confident and you need to be able to look at these people straight in the eye when breaking this news. However do not be over bearing or intimidating as you may make the patient/parent feel uneasy and uncomfortable. †¢Body Language – Again your body language must be confident, as if you are confident there is more chance of making the patient/parent more comfortable and to place more trust in you, however if you where showing signs of being nervous or scared to inform them of this news then you will make this ordeal twice as bad for the patient/parent. †¢Speech – Again confidence is key, no shouting or loud voices as this becomes scary however quiet voices are not good either. You need to be clear and calm there can be no room for shakiness or rumbling in your voice. To break the news to a parent/patient we need to make sure that we ourselves are sufficiently informed concerning the patient’s situation and illness. You also must make sure that you are able to break this news in the best way possible for the patient. There are three main steps in which you should follow; 1.Preparing for the consultation You need to firstly ask your receptionist to make an appointment with the patient/parents as they need to hear this from you in a face to face situation. This then gives them the opportunity to ask you questions. You must ensure that it is possible for the patient/parent to bring along a spouse or companion, you also have to ensure that you have all of your time is focused on these people and that there will be no distractions. It should be possible for all mobiles and pagers to be switched off. The last part of this stage is to know your patients illness through and through, their can be no room for error in this situation and everything you say must be the truth. 2.Communication This is a key step and must be followed to the best of your ability. Ensure that you have structure to the consultation. You must remember that the patient/parent may not be in employment within the health sector, so therefore you must use language that is appropriate, however do not treat or underestimate how much your patient/parent may know. You may want to prepare them with â€Å"Am sorry, but this isn’t good news† just so that there are no false hopes. Know how much the patient/parent knows about the illness and possibly break it up into stages; diagnosis, implications, treatment. Patients will change in the amount of honesty they want and may appreciate some ambiguity if the prognosis is very poor; an individual assessment will need to be made. Honesty includes being honest about what you do not know too. Judge how the patient/parent is taking this information do they need to know more right now or could it be left for another day. Always ensure th ey are comfortable and that you have as much time as possible for them. 3.Conclude Consultation You need to be positive with the patient/parent at this time, but not over the top. A follow up appointment should be made and make sure they know that you are there for them whenever they have any questions. Try to leave on a positive note, as if the see you are positive it may indeed give them more courage. All families are different and talking to the parents first about the situation that they are in is the best thing that you can do. Obviously you wouldn’t go straight to the child. The family and you should talk through options and ways that everyone in the family can get through this horrid ordeal, you will be able to give suggestions in which is the best route to go down but ultimately the family will decide. However they are going to need your full support and you are going to need to call on a lot of resources. There are many resources you could get in contact with and a child and adult psychologist will most certainly be needed. Suggest all groups and councillors that help families deal with this trauma as they are going to need a lot of help. Communication Theory I myself would use this particular communication theory as it is based on a one to one and I honestly believe that this type of news can only be broke to someone in this type of situation. However it all depends on what you think is best for the patient/parent. Michael Argyle is widely known as one of the best social psychologist of the twentieth century. Michael Argyle believes in the communication cycle, he believes that it is just as important as driving a car and that everybody should learn it. The theory behind this thinking is that Argyle believes to be able to drive a car you have to change your methods to match the conditions of what is happening on the road. Argyle believes that when driving a car you need to be constantly watching your surroundings and figuring out how to respond to and when to respond and then repeating this cycle until your journey is over. Argyle believes that almost the same cycle is needed in communication.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Business Plan For Sunshine Bakery Essay

Sunshine Bakery will be specializing in visually attractive cupcakes and cakes. There has been a significant increase in demand for whimsical, overindulgent and visually stimulating cakes, and Sunshine Bakery will target special events such as weddings, birthdays, christenings, bachelorette parties and stork teas. The Products Sunshine offers a wide range of speciality cakes. All the flavours will be available in both cupcakes or cakes. The different flavours on offer are: vanilla, lemon, strawberry, chocolate, cheesecake, cherry cream and blue berry. Customers Sunshine will focus on three distinct customer segments. The first group is the wedding group. This segment is growing at 15% a year with 32,000 potential customers. The second niche is the parties group. This segment is also growing at 15% with 14,200 potential people. The last group is the individual buyer (walk-in) group. This niche also is growing at 15% with 48,000 possible customers. Management Team Recognizing the importance of human capital, Sunshine has assembled a strong management team. The team is led by Merlin Hull. Merlin comes to Sunshine with 10 years of baking experience. In addition to her industry specific experience, Merlin has had 2 years of management experience. Robert Morgan brings financial skills to Sunshine after a 15 year CPA career. Marlene Hendricks will lead the marketing efforts having participated in her own PR firm. Lastly, Debbie Reitz will be on the team as an assistant baker with over five years of experience. Objectives To establish a working storefront for Sunshine Bakery. To develop the strong presence in the community needed to support sales goals. To develop a full menu by the end of the second quarter. Mission Sunshine Bakery aims to be a cornerstone in the community creating a  neighbourhood atmosphere where customers feel comfortable and become instant regulars.We seek fair and responsible profit, enough to keep the company financially healthy for the long term and to fairly compensate owners and investors for their money and risk. Company Summary Sunshine Bakery will be located in downtown Mellville in a historical building. This downtown district is a very popular destination because of the historical architecture for weekenders and tourists. Company Ownership Currently Sunshine Bakery is a sole proprietorship owned by Merlin Hull. Eventually, as the company becomes established, Sunshine Bakery will apply to be incorporated. Start-up Summary The primary expense to establish the Sunshine Bakery is the mortgage loan estimated at R1,750,000 to purchase the vacant space on 7th street. The building was previously used as a bakery and we plan to buy the used equipment along with the space. This cost is also calculated into the loan estimate. Merlin Hull intends to invest R70,500 of her savings to cover the other cost of start-up. These costs include: Advertising brochures. Bakery ingredients. Insurance. Bakery accessories, i.e. paper bags, cartons, etc. Products Sunshine Bakery provides specialized cakes and cupcakes at premium prices for special occasions. The following flavours will be available vanilla, lemon, strawberry, chocolate, cheesecake, cherry cream and blue berry. Market Analysis Summary Our focus will be to target weddings, birthday parties, Easter celebrations, bachelorette parties and stork teas. Market Segmentation Our target market consists of three groups: The Wedding Group The wedding industry is booming and Sunshine bakery will focus on this group for whom a premium price can be charged for specialized and custom made cakes or cupcakes. The Parties Group This group will probably pre-order a variety of flavours, and it is not such a labour intensive order, because they will probably go for the less expensive option of choosing our standard products. The Individual Buyer or â€Å"Walk-in† Group Sunshine’s premises in the Bellville area, is a very popular destination because of the historical architecture for weekenders and tourists, which makes this segment a lucrative option. We will focus on window display to attract passersby. Target Market Segment Strategy In our target market, we will mainly focus on the â€Å"wedding group† since they will spend the most per order. We expect that the â€Å"parties† and the ‘†individual buyer† group will make up a smaller portion of our customers. We are specifically filling the speciality cakes needs of the â€Å"wedding group†, so we expect the most business from this group. Industry Analysis Sunshine Bakery competes in the Food Services Industry. In addition to competing with other specialized cakes bakeries, it competes with all restaurants, delis, bakeries and supermarkets for a share of its customers’ food expense. Sunshine is most concerned with competitors who differentiate their products and services with a creative and arty focus. Because this group is so large, Sunshine has chosen to limit its analysis to other specialized cakes bakeries. Competition and Buying Patterns Currently there are two bakeries in town that provide specialized cakes: Cupcakes from Heaven Strengths: Stocks freshly baked cupcakes and cakes. Well-  established bakery in town. Sells cakes in local grocery stores. Weaknesses: Does not provide a wide selection of flavours. Furthermore the texture and flavor of their cakes is very dense and lacks zest. Life is Beautiful Patisserie Strengths: Makes cakes and brownies every day. Will make custom-ordered non- gluten cakes. Weaknesses: Does not produce a wide selection or large quantity of cupcakes. Their main focus is traditional flavour large cakes. Strategy and Implementation Summary Our strategy focuses on serving a niche market with quality goods. We are determined to become a part of the community—an establishment that becomes as much of the community as a church or local grocery store. To achieve these goals, we will provide the following: Friendly, neighbourhood-feel atmosphere Quality baked goods for everyone to enjoy at a fair price Visually attractive cakes and cupcakes Coffee sales will be higher in winter months, and for summer months sales of sodas Competitive Edge Our competitive edge is our quality of goods. We use only products of the highest quality that create incredible feathery cakes that can’t be matched. We also focus mainly on whimsical and modern flavours and designs. The other bakeries in town focus on traditional flavours. Sales Strategy Our strategy focuses on building a customer base by providing good customer experience. With the addition of the coffee bar and lunch menu in early spring, we hope to have customers make the bakery their one-stop destination for breakfast or lunch. In the summer, when we open the outdoor patio, more and more customers will make the bakery a destination for their lunches more often since the atmosphere will be so pleasing. Sales Forecast Our sales forecast assumes the following changes: Cake sales in the summer months will be slightly higher since the wedding season is at its peak during summer months. Coffee sales will increase  during winter months. Please insert a Sales forecast graph here, indicating the projected sales for 12 months. Management Summary Merlin Hull is the founder of Sunshine Bakery. She brings to the bakery her experience as a baker and as an entrepreneur. She has worked as a baker for over 10 years including two years as an apprentice in a well-known Paris patisserie. As a teenager she helped her parents at the family’s general store, both in sales and marketing. For her last two years at her family’s store, she was the general employee manager. Her duties at the bakery will include employee hiring and training, head baker and store management. Robert Morgan has run his own successful CPA consulting firm for 15 years. His duties will include the bookkeeping, inventory management and stock fulfilment. Marlene Hendricks runs her own PR company and will be assisting the Sunshine Bakery in its marketing campaigns on a part-time basis.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Nurture Of Gender Roles

The Nurture Of Gender Roles The ideas and expectations of men and women in American society are established and secure in the nation's mind. More women stay home during the day to take care of the house and children than men, and more men hold political offices than women. These traditional gender roles are the way of life in America, and rarely ever opposed. However, did you ever stop to think about why you associate cooking with women or leadership with men? Was there ever a time you did not feel this way? Surely, you must have learned these values at some point, and most likely when at a young age. Images of the stereotypical housewife and bread-winning husband are constantly being flashed on the television. Commercials, news programs, and even cartoons illustrate a male dominated society. During prime-time television men outnumber women two or three to one. Television not only feeds the principle of stereotypical gender roles, but also reinforces it with every change of the program, showing the same images of men and women.American Academy of PediatricsWith the average American watching at least 3 hours of television a day, the standard is set in our minds.The mind is more easily influenced during childhood, while development is still taking place. Information gathered during this stage will settle much longer than in adults. Dr. Nancy Signorielli stated in the official news magazine for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP News) "Television plays a central role in most youngsters' social lives". The media is a major part

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Free Essays on Seventh Day Adventists

Summary on â€Å"Germany: Adventist Hospital a Refuge for Abandoned Babies† 03/20/03 I chose this article because the title of the article captivated me. The article had little to do with the Adventist religion itself, but rather the community aide and support it provides for others. The Seventh-day Adventist Hospital in Berlin, Krankenhaus Waldfriede, Germany has started a program where mothers can bring their newborn babies to the hospital and abandon them there. It began as an action to try to prevent and to stop the rates of abandoned children from rising. The program started about three years ago and is called the â€Å"Baby Cradle†. The actual â€Å"Baby Cradle† is a small door on the outside wall of the hospital. This is the door where mothers can open and place their baby inside. Confidentiality is assured and the mother has enough time to leave the area without being seen. Then the process begins of what to do with the baby. Once the baby is inside the â€Å"cradle,† a signal goes to the front gate. The front gate staff then makes a telephone call to inform the nurses in the baby ward that a newborn baby has just been placed in the cradle. Next, they take the baby and place it in the ward, where it is given a health check. The baby then stays in the care of the hospital for the next couple of days, while the staff works on finding a family to adopt the baby. The mother of the abandoned baby then has up to eight weeks to reconsider and claim her baby. Pretty simple huh? I have mixed feelings about this. I feel that what they are doing for the babies is great. They are giving these babies a chance at life and trying their best to find homes for these babies. Yet at the same time, I feel as if they are treating the baby like it is a piece of property. I mean what kind of a mother could actually take her child and place it in a door to leave for whoever and whatever? I honestly f... Free Essays on Seventh Day Adventists Free Essays on Seventh Day Adventists Summary on â€Å"Germany: Adventist Hospital a Refuge for Abandoned Babies† 03/20/03 I chose this article because the title of the article captivated me. The article had little to do with the Adventist religion itself, but rather the community aide and support it provides for others. The Seventh-day Adventist Hospital in Berlin, Krankenhaus Waldfriede, Germany has started a program where mothers can bring their newborn babies to the hospital and abandon them there. It began as an action to try to prevent and to stop the rates of abandoned children from rising. The program started about three years ago and is called the â€Å"Baby Cradle†. The actual â€Å"Baby Cradle† is a small door on the outside wall of the hospital. This is the door where mothers can open and place their baby inside. Confidentiality is assured and the mother has enough time to leave the area without being seen. Then the process begins of what to do with the baby. Once the baby is inside the â€Å"cradle,† a signal goes to the front gate. The front gate staff then makes a telephone call to inform the nurses in the baby ward that a newborn baby has just been placed in the cradle. Next, they take the baby and place it in the ward, where it is given a health check. The baby then stays in the care of the hospital for the next couple of days, while the staff works on finding a family to adopt the baby. The mother of the abandoned baby then has up to eight weeks to reconsider and claim her baby. Pretty simple huh? I have mixed feelings about this. I feel that what they are doing for the babies is great. They are giving these babies a chance at life and trying their best to find homes for these babies. Yet at the same time, I feel as if they are treating the baby like it is a piece of property. I mean what kind of a mother could actually take her child and place it in a door to leave for whoever and whatever? I honestly f...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Unit IV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Unit IV - Essay Example Three years’ statements are provided for the company. In addition, statements can also be viewed on quarterly basis. This is an interesting link and shows prices for IBM stocks since December 31, 1965 to date. The information that is provided include open and close prices for the day, highest and lowest prices and total volume of transactions for the day. One can search the range of dates for which the historical stock prices are to be viewed and the system provides these readily. This link shows the industry in which the company operates. For IBM, the industry is â€Å"Diversified Computer Systems† in the â€Å"Technology† sector. It also gives a brief comparison of the company with the industry changes in stock prices. This page provides comprehensive information about IBM. This includes the full business address of the company, its website, the stock exchanges where the company is listed, number of employees (366,486 for IBM) and a brief summary of IBM together with a description of key executives and their pay package. The research reports provide various analysis of the company by different research agencies like Standard and Poor’s, Plunkett, Reuters etc. The reports are provided for existing and potential shareholders to gain an insight into company’s strategies, operations and market standings. The P/E ratio for IBM is 16.92 (as on June 28, 2007). The stock price depends upon factors like last dividend paid, dividend growth ratio and the interest rate in the market. The actual figure, though, might differ from the calculated one because other non-financial factors like market conditions, speculation, and company’s image are also critical in the actual stock price. 2. Yes. Government needs to intervene into the operations of companies from the viewpoint of a regulator. This is because these listed companies use common people’s money to develop their systems and procedures and hence, have

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Human Genome Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Human Genome Project - Essay Example The Human Genome Project began in 1990, with the aim of establishing the DNA sequence of the whole euchromatic human genome in a period of 15 years . At the initial stage, the project was filled with scepticism from scientists and even ordinary people. One major issue raised was whether the enormous finances involved in the project would result in corresponding benefits. Nonetheless, the great success of the project is clear, the completion of Human Genome project brought a new age in medicine and also resulted in major advancements in the forms of technology applied in sequence DNA . The U.S National Institute of Health (NIH) and Department of Energy funded the launch of Human Genome project in 1990.   The labs of this project worked with international collaborators and they were able to resolve 95% of the sequence of DNA in human genome in a period of 15 years. Similarly, John Sulston in association with his colleagues at the MRC‘s laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambrid ge in the UK were working at mapping the genome of the nematode worm for a number of years. From their findings, they revealed that sequencing the entire genome of the worm was feasible . Human Genome Project in the US, it progressed well in its operations. In the United Kingdom, the MRC approached the Wellcome Trust and proposed for a new partnership to enable them get funds to facilitate the worm sequence project that John had proposed. After this proposal, things began to move quickly because the Wellcome Trust embarked its operations.